The importance of dimensions for your living room rug

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To obtain a harmonious result, it is essential to take into account the context in which the carpet will be installed. The furniture but also the dimensions of the room play an essential role: the carpet will have to cover a sufficient surface to offer a certain visual balance to the space.

In order not to be mistaken, simply take the measurements of your installation in order to note which model will be adapted to your space. When the rug is integrated into the living room, you have two options:

The first is to frame the furniture that makes up the living room as much as possible. Sofa, armchair, coffee table… the rug stands out as a second floor covering to mark the passage between a dining area, for example, and the living area itself.
You can also choose to highlight the central point of your living room, often marked by the presence of a coffee table. Here too, the carpet must imperatively be larger than your furniture to sublimate the latter. Also install an XL rug that slightly exceeds the width of the sofa for an impeccable and very trendy look.

When the carpet models are chosen in unsuitable dimensions, the space seems disproportionate and lacks coherence. The smaller this accessory, the less your interior will seem!

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